© ClineHealthCareRecruiters.com
“We Need A Living Wage Too!”
CLINEHEALTHCARERECRUITERS.COMis a Classified Ad Registration Center. Our primary function is to utilize the new HomeCareClassifieds.com website to prepare, post, and manage classified ads for a more entrepreneurial type of Private In-Home Healthcare Worker.   If you would like to have your own Part-Time business in this profitable field of In-Home Health Care, then you have  come to the right place. We are looking for business oriented healthcare workers who would like to work directly with clients, set their own rates and schedules wthout working through a middle man or Home Health Care Agency . Based on our interviews with families searching for healthcare workers, the requirements with asterisks next to them appear to be the most important in their caculation to select Private In-home Healthcare Workers to care for or provide services for their loved ones. Requirements with a double asterisk (**) are the most important.    * * Flexable Scheduling, * * Minimum 1+ years of experience providing care within the industry, * *  Ability to obtain bonding insurance, * * Criminal ackground check * *  Current Driver’s License or ID Card * Any certifications or degrees you may have earned, * Minimum of 3 verifiable professional references * * Current Medical Clearance,    We also found that the demand for in-home healthcare services has increased dramatically over the last several years, while the number of qualified professionals has not kept pace with the demand. We realized that families were also requesting services from a variety of non- traditional in-home service providers. These non-traditional in-home service providers include professionals like hair stylists, yoga instructors, Tai Chi instructors, massage therapists, dietitians, facial and hair consultants, acupuncturists, and many other multi-talented healthcare workers. If you join us, we will provide client negotiation training during your free listing period on HomeCareClassifieds.com If this sounds like a business opportunity that you would like to persue, then go to the Contact page and schedule a Pre-Acceptance Interview  and we will send you an information package containing the requirements and procedures you need to become a new member of our team.


Looking For In-Home

healthcare workers For

Adults and Seniors


"The Best Way To Predict The Future Is To Create It"